
Downloadable research reports on topics currently facing the education industry with findings, success stories, and best practices
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Mathematics Whitepaper
Closing Opportunity Gaps in Math: Best Practices for K-12 Leaders
K-12 leaders can reference our math equity best practices, strategies, and curated resources to close opportunity gaps in math.
Content provided by SpringMath by Sourcewell
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Student Achievement Whitepaper
Boost Student Success with a Free RTI Resource
Download this resource to explore how to establish a strong RTI program, implementation, best practices, and more!
Content provided by n2y
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Student Achievement Whitepaper
[Webinar] Successful MTSS: Increase Student Outcomes
Our experts will show you how to identify and overcome barriers to implementation as well as research-supported approaches to maximize s....
Content provided by n2y
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Classroom Technology Whitepaper
Valuing Human Intelligence Amid AI’s Rapid Expansion
Educators must approach AI thoughtfully and responsibly. Learn how to integrate AI into instruction while prioritizing human intelligence.
Content provided by Dreambox Learning
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Social Studies Whitepaper
A Second-Class Subject? Why Social Studies Gets Short Shrift
Results of a survey commissioned by Thinking Nation reveal a stark gap between the degree to which educators value social studies and the...
Content provided by Thinking Nation
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Early Childhood Whitepaper
The Child Development Associate® Makes A Difference in Early Childhood Education
Training programs are taking aim at giving people the skills employers need now.
Content provided by Council for Professional Recognition
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Mathematics Whitepaper
How to Help Students Succeed on Math Assessments
Teachers can use the Standards of Mathematical Practice to give students greater opportunities to achieve content standards and build con...
Content provided by n2y
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Mathematics Whitepaper
Webinar: From Concrete to Abstract: Help Students Access Math
Get expert guidance in our webinar on the concrete-visual-abstract (CVA) sequence, a research-based mathematics instructional strategy su...
Content provided by n2y
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Mathematics Whitepaper
Improve Math Performance for Students with Learning Difficulties
Explore why students struggle with math, evidence-based practices to address this, and much more in our free white paper.
Content provided by n2y
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Student Achievement Whitepaper
Improving Learning Outcomes Through Effective Tutoring Practices
Enhance student-tutor connections, boost learning readiness, academic achievements, and teacher satisfaction. In addition, learn how to l...
Content provided by TutorMe
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Budget & Finance Whitepaper
Modernizing K12 Campuses on a Budget: The CFO’s Guide
Innovative funding solutions can empower K-12 leaders with the resources they need to transform their facilities and prepare for the future.
Content provided by Schneider Electric
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Recruitment & Retention Whitepaper
CHRO’s Guide for Building an Effective Substitute Teacher Program
This expert guide offers best practices in recruiting qualified substitutes, establishing a reliable pool, boosting fill rates, and optimizing your program.
Content provided by Kelly Education
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Mathematics Whitepaper
Recipes for Success in Gaining Momentum with Math
Utilizing neuroscience research to build the right environment for learning math is optimal for long-term academic success.
Content provided by MIND Education
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Reading & Literacy Whitepaper
A Principal’s Playbook for Continued Literacy Growth
Are your teachers approaching instruction with a data-informed lens as they strive to enhance mid-year reading scores?
Content provided by Istation